Human Formation

Our Formations

Human Formation

1. The students are to be made more and more aware that discipline is necessary to shape their personality on the pattern of the Good Shepherd.

2. They must be made to realize that discipline is an integral element in their formation and is indispensable for a healthy community life, based on true Christian charity (OT, n. 11).

3. Through discipline the students will strive to acquire mastery over oneself and spirit of collaboration (OT, n. 11).

4. Every student will strive to the best of his ability to follow faithfully the rules and regulations of the Seminary. Every transgression of the same would have to be reported with openness and sincerity to the Rector or the person responsible for discipline.

5. The students should avoid casteism, groupism of every sort and unwholesome friendship and will vie with one another to set good example in the practice of Charity, good neighbourliness and healthy human relationship.